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  /  News   /  Oracle and MIBO jointly contribute to the development of BH Telecom

Oracle and MIBO jointly contribute to the development of BH Telecom

Our company, as an Oracle partner for many years, is involved in supporting and maintaining Oracle Communications systems implemented in BH Telecom.

We have been actively providing support for various Oracle Communications systems for over 15 years. Currently, active contracts relate to on-site support and maintenance for Eagle STP (Signaling Transfer Point), PIC (Performance Intelligence Center), SBC (Session Border Controller), and PCRF (Policy and Charging Rule Function) systems, and in this way, our company fills the gap between user requirements and the availability of Oracle support in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

During support, we are actively involved in maintaining and improving all systems, and all systems have been upgraded to the latest versions. System upgrades are performed with the aim of improving certain functionalities, improving the performance of the entire system, or are done periodically to keep the systems up to date. Additionally,

MIBO Komunikacije is actively involved in consulting for all other activities of BH Telecom related to Oracle Communications portfolio. In order to provide the necessary support for these systems, our company continuously develops competencies and skills of employees in the field of Oracle Communications portfolio.